Saturday, May 23, 2009

Next Sale: June 12th and 13th

Just a note to say that we are planning another sale for June. It will be Friday, June 12th and Saturday, June 13th. More details to follow. If you are interested in participating with us, just email and I'll give you the details. The more the merrier! (
Charlie and I are continuing to work on the garden and are really enjoying it. His imagination is really in gear and I am along for the ride and fresh produce of course. We've picked lettuce, parsley and some of his mother's basil. She has a raised bed going as well. We have two tomatoes about the size of marbles and the corn is knee high. A few years ago, we were in Minnesota during the summer and their saying was that they wanted their corn to be "Knee high by the 4th of July". We measured this morning and found ours is knee high (even by Charlie's knees) so I guess our goal should be "Knee high by Memorial Day" -
doesn't rhyme though.
Oh, well.
Rain, rain, rain - I'm not complaining and neither are the mosquitoes! It has been wonderful to get it. I just hope we'll have more during the summer. It is certainly helping our water bill and the plants. Here is a photo update of where we are now with the garden..........

The garden........... original milking barn in background.

Carrots in Picking Buckets

Old Feed Bin for Raised Bed Garden

Tomatoes - five varieties from yellow to red

Snow peas in some sort of device used at the dairy that was on our land.

Charlie's found rocks from a well for use in a future project. Right now I am hoping wave petunias will grow over them.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Marketplace on Taylor
Weekend Sale
May 1st and 2nd

Wow, even though it has been two months since we opened for the weekend, this weekend's sale has crept up on me! I woke up thinking, I DIDN'T SENT OUT THE BLOG!! So, here it is.
This weekend, May 1st and 2nd,
is our sale at Marketplace on Taylor.
There are all kinds of fun items and deals to be had this weekend. One of our dealers is selling just about all of her inventory for 60% off and another has 40% off of everything. The Victorian bed below is now only $200 and other things in that booth are 50% off. You really can't get any better than that!
Victorian Bed - now only $200 WOW!

Stunning Hankies

Military Clothes

Beautiful red glass basket - 60% off!

With Spring officially here and great weather, many of us have been out digging in the dirt either planting flowers, a vegetable garden or for Charlie and me, both. It has felt so good to get things ready, plant and anticipate the bounty of our efforts. In fact, we planted the garden on Tuesday and had planted tomatoes earlier - so where are the veggies and why hasn't anything sprouted yet? As you can see, I'm ready to see results!

(Just went out to the garden and this might, just might be our first sprout - a zinnia or more than likely, a weed - we'll see.)

So, what to you do with old boots - make them into planters!

We have also been looking around the store and have realized that there is a bounty of containers and other items that would look great in a garden. Come on in this weekend to see what you can find to make your garden or flower beds have that personal and unique touch.

Hope to see you at the store!

Charlie and Chris